79th Annual Camargo Hunter Trials
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Bucket list activity right here in Cincinnati!
The best day of the year to be in Indian Hill.
Picture this: The trees are vibrant red and yellow, the field is decorated with corn stalks, pumpkins and mums surrounding a variety of cross country jumps. Horse trailers, riders and their horses abound. The field is surrounded with enthusiastic tailgaters – culinary delights and decorations spill out the back of their vehicles. enjoy our improved VIP tent where all can see all the action while enjoying a light breakfast, followed by food and open bar around lunch time. There is a display of vibrant blue, red, yellow, white and pink ribbons placed next to the softly patina-ed perpetual trophies, many dating back to the early days of the Hunter Trials. These are the “prizes” for the winners.
There are 2 components to the day-long event. The Hunter Trials were originally created to test the stamina, level headedness, and bravery of hunt horses and riders in an organized equestrian event set up to simulate the terrain and conditions found in the typical hunt field. Horse and riders jump logs, stone walls, and post and rail fences. There is even a class where riders have to open and close a gate while mounted as well as dismount and remount in the field. The "small" ring allows young riders (many of them still in pigtails) to experience the thrills of the glorious outdoor venue while jumping more traditional type jumps. There are 3 Hunter Derbies, where the competition gets really exciting as there is the lure of $2200 in prize money this year.
The highlight of the day is the “Parade of Hounds”. This is truly an event not to be missed. The Huntsman, dressed in traditional formal red coat, brings out the foxhounds. He gallops around the ring with the hounds in hot pursuit. He commands the hounds with his horn. It is quite the experience to watch close to twenty hounds obey the call of the huntsman. This is concluded by Hunt members, in their formal attire, (have you ever seen a foxhunt print?) follow around the ring in the final circuit.
Everyone is welcome. Consider participating in the tailgate competition. It is the only amateur food competition in the Cincinnati area and there are ribbons and bragging rights to be won! Past year’s categories included the Grand Prize, Best Overall, Best Bite, Most Innovative Presentation, Biggest Party, Best Entree, and of course, The Wild Card. Some people bring their one special entry, while others go all out! It’s a casual fun competition for most, with a few die-hard groups that show up every year out for blood in the larger categories. We are thrilled to have Sommelier Kevin Hart (Hart & Cru), Chef Ben Younts- a private chef specializing in wild game and Joe Suhre, two-time Grand Champion of the Hunter Trials Tailgate Competition. Judging begins around 11:30 AM and judges keep tasting until they're done. Be prepared to serve up to two bites or sips when they stop by. The only rule is store bought or catering will not be eligible.
For those that prefer not to be quite so involved, you can buy a ticket to the VIP tent with all day food and bar available. Tickets can be purchased day of event. There is the opportunity to park "off the ropes" in parking areas and tailgate without competing, or just meander all day and enjoy horses and people watching. Be sure to bring your chair. There will be at least one food truck or you can hang around one of the many parties and look hungry. You’ll probably be invited to join. It’s a very friendly crowd. Admission to the all-day event is only $10 per CARLOAD.
The Tailgate competition at the Camargo Hunter Trials is fun tradition and open to everyone. It's an amateur food competition held in a gorgeous field in the fall around the large Outside Course of the horse show. Our Judges are professional chefs, and there are beautiful ribbons to be won!
Want to just show up and have the best seats on the field, ringside? Purchase an all-day access ticket to our VIP tent and enjoy an early morning breakfast, lunch, and cocktails and "private facilities" in the comfort of our VIP tent.
Featuring beer by local brewery Mt Carmel Brewing Company, food by Beth O'Leary Catering and our special bartender, Eric from First Call Bartending.